Tuesday, November 4, 2008

He's A-Walkin'

Here's a quick little video of Matthew walking around. Usually he is a little camera shy and falls to his hands and knees whenever a camera comes around. So this is a treat!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Eve

Can you tell what that little bumper sticker on the middle of my window says? Well, I'm not going to tell you, but I will tell you how it got there.
This afternoon, I took my kids with me to do some friendly YES ON 8 sign waving. When we got to the street corner we found that no one was there. Confused, I drove on to a much larger intersection where I have held signs before to see if I just got the location wrong. When we got there, to my dismay, there were a lot of Noers but not a lot of YESSER's waving signs. I drove around not sure what to do. I REALLY wanted to stand with my sign and felt that more bodies in yellow were needed, but I felt uncomfortable taking my young kids with me into an environment where we were outnumbered (those of you who have been doing this can imagine why).
Then I remembered Abbie's yellow car paint. A few weeks ago Abbie asked if she could paint our car windows with YES on 8 slogans. Today I had bought the paint! So I pulled into a neighbornood and we went to work painting five of our van windows. When we finished, I turned up the music in the car (again, if you have been doing this you'll know why) and drove back to the busy intersection. I drove around and around, honking my support for Prop 8.

Finally after a few go 'rounds, I decided that we could get out and join the others. In the time it took us to paint our windows and return, Prop 8 supporter numbers had swollen into a very large group and there was a section of mostly families. We stood shoulder to shoulder waving our support amidst more craziness than I have ever seen on the eve of an election. I felt like I was part of something historic.

After a while it was time to take my kids home. As I approached my "freshly sloganed" minivan I noticed a new sticker on the back window. "Oh, puleeeze!", I thought, but I wasn't surprised. While we were away, someone had slapped this sticker onto my car. Maybe to get revenge for my stand for truth? Who knows. All I know is that the "Goof off" I'll have to use to remove it (the left over sticky stuff at least) has been very well named.