Sunday, November 4, 2007

Our "biggest" news... Matthew Donald Rowen born 26 September 2007!

O.K. Here first attempt at blogging. I feel so 2007!! I thought that I would use this page to record some of the fun things my family has been up to. The last few weeks have been very busy. On 26 September, our little Matthew was born and we are all head over heals in love with our little guy. He is a great baby and makes being out numbered wonderful. That's not to say that everything is always easy. I have realized, or should I say remembered, that life operates at a much slower speed with a newborn. I don't have the talent of being a nursing multi-tasker so I spend a lot of time on the couch loooking around at all that is left undone. I once tried the "I Dream of Geenie blink and nod" while nursing but the dished stayed on the table and unfortunately the clothes were still in the dryer. It's all right thought, I love being a mother of a baby again!!!

1 comment:

Erika said...

So fun to read and see what's going on out there!! I am relating with your sitting on the couch time of life. I keep telling myself that it's only for a little while and then I'll miss it. Your girls are so beautiful! and little baby is such a cutie.