My niece, Amanda, has a company that produces the most adorably soft sleepers and blankets on the planet. Her company is called MyNochi. Her peoducts have been sold in specialty boutiques and at Nordstrom. To simplify her life, she now sells them direct through this website.
For the next two weeks, all of the blankets and sleepers (my personal favorite), will be sold at drastically reduced prices for all family and friends. Check it out!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Deal of the Year!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Birthday Man
Well, this was the best I could do tonight on the eve on MArk's birthday. WHY WOULDN'T HE SMILE FOR THE PICTURE? He should know by now that I don't give up so easily! So, with or without a fancy picture to go along with this, I want to say that I am thankful for this wonderful man whose birthday is tomorrow. He is the man of my dreams, my best friend in the world. Mark is kind to everyone, he's a loving father, a wonderful provider. I count my blessings often, and he tops my list. How did I get so lucky!!! Happy birthday, love.
Watch for Her Name in LIGHTS!
Hidden Treasure
Tuesday was a BEAUTIFUL day around here so after school we headed to the beach. To our amazement this is what we found. STARFISH EVERYWHERE!!! The end of the jetty at Ponto Beach is usually 20 feet under water, but thanks to a very very low tide, we had all this fun..
Friday, January 9, 2009
A great Reason to Miss School
Our friends were in town today. The Neilson's were in Newport Beach enjoying a week of fun with their family, and this afternoon we crashed the party!! Since I didn't bring my camera, you'll just have to imagine the girls faces as they squeezed their friends tight, swam, smiled from ear to ear, made up water dances and squeezed their friends some more. Though I refrained from the water dances etc., I was equally as happy to see Leslie and Dave. After spending the last few months now trying to "make friends" it was so great to spend time TALKING to friends. No questions about where we were from, what brought us here, or where MArk and I met. Just talking, laughing and me trying to convince them to move down here--something that anyone who comes for a visit will have to endure--sorry.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Catch Up
Here is my attempt to catch up on reporting the events of our lives. As anyone knows who has moved (and who hasn't moved) it's an all consuming affair. Not only did we have to pack up again (after just four months in our rental), but we also had the complexity of doing some cosmetic work to the house before we could move in. Add replacing all of the existing flooring in the house, repainting it AND trying to have it all ready by Christmas Eve, and you've got quite a production on your hands. At times we thought we were crazy, but in the end it all worked out great and we are settling in just fine!!