Sunday, January 18, 2009

Birthday Man

Well, this was the best I could do tonight on the eve on MArk's birthday. WHY WOULDN'T HE SMILE FOR THE PICTURE? He should know by now that I don't give up so easily! So, with or without a fancy picture to go along with this, I want to say that I am thankful for this wonderful man whose birthday is tomorrow. He is the man of my dreams, my best friend in the world. Mark is kind to everyone, he's a loving father, a wonderful provider. I count my blessings often, and he tops my list. How did I get so lucky!!! Happy birthday, love.


queenieweenie said...

Matt did the exact same thing last night when I was trying to get shots of him coaching Jake's basketball game! MEN!

Happy Birthday oh camera shy one!

Sarah Sedgwick Anderson said...

Happy Birthday Mark! You are such an amazing guy...great dad, husband, and brother in law!

Erin said...

Come on Mark, just smile! Happy Birthday!

Erin said...

I just realized. . .where's YOUR smily bday pic? I don't even see a post about YOUR special day! Hope it was great!
Also. . .what's the deal with the camels? Just wondering.
Love you

Erika said...

Happy Birthday Mark!